Search Results for: triplink


Discovery Inc. Saves With SAP Concur’s TripLink, Sans TMC Support

Since its inception, SAP Concur’s TripLink program has drawn concern from policy compliance-minded travel managers. They were well aware that lacking inventory in preferred travel management companies or online booking tools created program integrity issues. With some content, especially conference hotel rates,…


Siemens Fixates On Ingenuity With TripLink, Blockchain, Hotel Sourcing Farmed To HRS

The decision by Siemens to move all hotel sourcing to HRS isn’t only about improving the $101 billion industrial manufacturer’s lodging program. It supports a traveler-centric philosophy through flexibility and choice that’s also reflected in other areas like air travel and booking…

Hipmunk, TripLink Moves Revive TMC ‘Friend Or Foe’ Questions About Concur

Some travel management company sources are concerned about competition from SAP Concur’s Hipmunk-powered small-business offering. A new TripLink-related requirement for Concur’s preferred partners is irksome to others. It’s just another day in the alliance, ever uneasy for some, between Concur and TMCs….


Concur TripLink, Traxo Collect Data From Corporate Bookings On United Mobile App

Press releases about suppliers participating in the direct-connect version of Concur’s TripLink continue apace even as the activation of such connections remains sporadic. Most recently, Concur made TripLink available to users of United Airlines’ mobile app. It’s also smoothing out the client…

In Beta, Concur And United Aim To Solve For Unused TripLink Tickets

One of the issues tripping up Concur’s TripLink in beta with United Airlines and several customers is how to capture the value of unused tickets. When travelers cancel or change a booking made on United’s website using their TripLink account, sometimes there is residual value to be…

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