car rental

Notebook: Government Travel Pros Treated To Latest On Innovation, Sustainability

Notebook: Government Travel Pros Treated To Latest On Innovation, Sustainability

Alexandria, Va. – Amid a federal government solicitation process putting the management of upwards of $4 billion in annual travel spending up for grabs, the National Defense Transportation Association’s GovTravels conference attracted a record 1,100 attendees here last month.  The U.S. General Services Administration has begun collecting information from interested travel and expense tech vendors…

GPOs can help companies mitigate car rental rate hikes

With Rates Rising, Buyers Turn To Group Purchasing Organizations For Car Rental

BCD Travel is forecasting car rental market price increases of between 5 percent and 7 percent this year. According to travel buyers, joining a group purchasing organization is one effective way to mitigate rate hikes.  GPOs leverage the combined spending of members to extract favorable pricing from vendors, ranging from office supplies and furniture providers…


What’s The Cost Of A Better Travel Experience? GoldSpring Helps Find Answers

Many surveys have sought to determine how companies can improve the travel experience by capturing sentiments about this perk or that convenience. GoldSpring Consulting went further by ascribing costs and building a model to calculate the price of greater traveler satisfaction. It already produced surprising results about priorities and potentially easy program improvements. The effort…

Is Dynamic Pricing Coming To Corporate Car Rental Deals?
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Is Dynamic Pricing Coming To Corporate Car Rental Deals?

Negotiating a discount off floating market rates is the prevailing model in airline corporate deals and a component of corporate hotel agreements. Is car rental the next sector to take this plunge with its medium-sized and larger accounts? There’s talk, but most observers don’t see that happening in the near term. “Hertz has always maintained…

staffing service satisfaction

Business Travel Is Back But Staffing, Service And Satisfaction Are Stressed

Business travel is back but management infrastructure is not, creating a stressed-out industry. For now, corporate travel professionals are doing whatever they can that’s within their control. That includes managing expectations among the traveling population and with senior execs, retraining employees on policies and procedures, updating profiles and preaching patience. A little finger-pointing is going…

ground transportation fuel

Messaging Can Keep Corporate Travelers On The Right Road As Gas Prices Rise

As fuel costs increase, travel buyers may want to revisit and refresh their car rental policies, negotiations and traveler communications.  Corporate travel policies typically recommend or require travelers to fill up before dropping off rentals. When car rental companies do the refueling, the rate may be as much as a few dollars more per gallon,…

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