meetings management

Cindy Heston, Elevance director of travel and events

The Travel Manager’s Role: Greater Responsibility Can Mean Better Visibility

Eight in 10 travel managers last summer told BCD Travel that the scope of their responsibilities had widened in recent years. Is that a good thing? Growing the remit has benefits and challenges. Among a dozen corporate travel managers contributing views to this article, none advised against more responsibility. It’s all in how you manage…

Travel buyers are considering how to make long-term hotel rate contracts work.

Notebook: Novel Hotel Rate Negotiating Strategy Catches Buyer Attention

Nobody likes the annual corporate hotel RFP process. Buyers want longer-term deals, but the industry’s sourcing infrastructure doesn’t effectively support them. What about negotiating evergreen deals that tie rates to market indexes? Elevance Health travel services consultant Dan Stagnitta is exploring it. During a June 6 BTN webinar sponsored by Cvent, Stagnitta described as “silliness”…

Bizly founder and CEO Ronak Shah

Bizly Gets Cash For AI-Backed Meetings Mgmt. From JetBlue Ventures, Other Investors

Corporate meetings tech provider Bizly this month entered what its founder called a new chapter with funding of an undisclosed amount anchored by existing shareholder JetBlue Ventures. Fermont Capital, Frontier Ventures and H. Barton Asset Management also participated. They’re buying into a vision for artificial intelligence-powered meetings management. The new strategy followed soul-searching sparked by…

Dave Harvey, Southwest Airlines
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Southwest Claims Domestic Corporate Share Gain Based On ARC Data

Southwest Airlines finished last year with roughly 12 percent of U.S. domestic managed corporate travel bookings, based on its analysis of ARC data, up from zero four years earlier. The jump resulted from a combination of market and Southwest-specific developments. Measured by passengers, the dataset encompassed global distribution system bookings through a few dozen of…

Dispatch 8
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Dispatch 8

With cost savings from NDC “not turning out to be what it was meant to be,” Air France’s chief commercial officer last week lambasted American Airlines‘ distribution plan. “American Airlines is leading the way — they think they’re leading the way — in new distribution strategies,” said Angus Clarke during an Air France-KLM Group investor…

New Hilton SME Program Highlights Supplier-Intermediary Clash

New Hilton SME Program Highlights Supplier-Intermediary Clash

Corporate travel agencies and tech firms concerned about competition from suppliers won’t find comfort in the latest business travel moves from Hilton Worldwide.  Last month, the company announced it would launch by early next year a program offering discounted rates, company loyalty points and program management tools to small and medium-sized enterprises booking on its…

Hotel RFP technology

Comings And Goings Remake Hotel Request For Proposals Tech Field

Decisions by Sabre and Lodging Logistics to shut down their hotel request for proposals products left some travel buyers researching alternatives. The remaining players include familiar names and new entrants. The keys to succeeding in the complicated, niche space include a dedication to ongoing investment, connectivity to various hotel systems and integration with GBTA’s standard…

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