
lowest logical fare policies
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The Evolution Of Lowest Logical Fare Policies

The concept of “lowest logical fare” has always been open to interpretation. Traditionally, it’s the cheapest, in-policy fare returned when the traveler or travel agent searches in a booking system. But various market dynamics are making it harder to pin down, prompting industry professionals to reconsider it. New challenges in point-of-sale shopping comparisons due to…

Southwest Airlines goes retro with rebates

Retro Rebates Hang On As Post-Pandemic Legacy For Southwest Customers

Southwest Airlines has always done things differently, but lately, it’s been embracing industry norms in the corporate market. It’s participating in more distribution channels and fielding a bigger sales team. It offers a basket of options for corporate dealmaking, including at least one throwback idea: back-end rebates. Those may be instead of or in addition…

Travel management consultant
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What Matters When Choosing A Corporate Travel Consultant

Consulting services for corporate travel program management are popping up everywhere. Even suppliers like Delta Air Lines and Mastercard are ready to help. Incumbents include special divisions of travel management companies, individuals, boutique firms and some of the world’s largest consultancies. How does an organization choose? Primarily, it’s about how well the consultant’s subject matter…

air ticket tour code controversy
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Buyers Fret (Privately) About Airline Ticket Tour Codes

On airline tickets using corporate negotiated airfares, travel agents and booking tools typically include tour codes to identify bookings as coming from a particular travel agency, corporate TMC or airline corporate client. When these codes are wrong or missing, there may be financial ramifications or an impact on traveler benefits. Corporate travel buyers speaking during…

Is Dynamic Pricing Coming To Corporate Car Rental Deals?
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Is Dynamic Pricing Coming To Corporate Car Rental Deals?

Negotiating a discount off floating market rates is the prevailing model in airline corporate deals and a component of corporate hotel agreements. Is car rental the next sector to take this plunge with its medium-sized and larger accounts? There’s talk, but most observers don’t see that happening in the near term. “Hertz has always maintained…

Op Ed: Anna Price On Hotel Dayrooms

Op Ed: Anna Price On Hotel Dayrooms

Hotel dayrooms can stand in for office space in certain scenarios. Anna Price, a consultant with Procurigence, explores how organizations can find, manage and pay for them. The phenomenon of dayrooms is not new. It was an option long before Covid arrived on the scene. This room rate type originally targeted travelers with long layovers,…

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