Reporter’s Notebook

Our coverage of live or virtual events in corporate travel and related disciplines.

Notebook: Government Travel Pros Treated To Latest On Innovation, Sustainability

Notebook: Government Travel Pros Treated To Latest On Innovation, Sustainability

Alexandria, Va. – Amid a federal government solicitation process putting the management of upwards of $4 billion in annual travel spending up for grabs, the National Defense Transportation Association’s GovTravels conference attracted a record 1,100 attendees here last month.  The U.S. General Services Administration has begun collecting information from interested travel and expense tech vendors…

Panelists speaking during a webinar conducted by Cerebri discussed booking channel policy leakage challenges stemming from airline NDC.

Notebook: Two Buyers Say Policies Fail In The Face Of Distribution Fragmentation

Regardless of the allure, direct bookings with suppliers are out of bounds for most employee groups at two companies represented on a March 6 webinar hosted by Cerebri AI. Both firms mandate that bookings go through their designated travel management companies via counselors or the SAP Concur Travel booking tool. According to their travel managers,…

corporate travel data webinar
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Notebook: Searching For Better Travel Data, International SOS Endorses Spotnana

As part of its mission to support client employees’ safety, security and well-being, risk management firm International SOS processes 20 million passenger name records a week. Between 1.5 percent and 2 percent have errors, according to the firm’s global travel industry relations VP, Wendy Stachowiak. That’s a lot. But with some new mutual clients using…

Notebook: The Beat Live

Notebook: The Beat Live

New York — First up on the agenda at The Beat Live here Tuesday was American Express Global Business Travel CEO Paul Abbott, interviewed by The Beat editor-in-chief Jay Boehmer. AmTrav CEO Jeff Klee followed with a keynote speech and then Scott Laurence, American Airlines SVP of partnerships and retailing, took a few questions. Highlights follow….

NJBTA panel on NDC and airline distribution

Notebook: Catch Up On Airline Distribution

The Global Business Travel Association’s New Jersey chapter on Nov. 9 hosted a webinar on airline distribution featuring JTB Business Travel, SAP Concur, Sabre and United Airlines. Moderated by The Company Dime‘s Jay Campbell, the discussion featured observations about the status of the New Distribution Capability, where it’s going, some of its challenges, what the…

GBTA NDC notebook|
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Notebook: Travel Buyers Discuss Booking Channel Policy Flavors And Tradeoffs

Asked how corporate travel buyers should deal with fares found outside preferred booking channels, Cisco senior global procurement service leader for travel and card Carlos Almendros said, “You’ll get a different answer for every buyer.” Travel managers also speaking at the Global Business Travel Association convention last month supported the variety of approaches and considered…

GBTA notebook non-employee travel

Notebook: Buyers Explain Challenges Of Managing Non-Employee Travel

How much to invest in support for recruits, board members, interns, consultants, contractors and other guest travelers can be a tough call, according to speakers at GBTA’s convention last month. BCD Travel and Fox World Travel are among the latest providers to come up with solutions for this headache of the non-profiled. The booking, payment,…

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