
Eric Friedrichsen

Emburse Adapts Roadmap App For Smaller Clients

Spend management company Emburse released a mobile app for managing “every aspect” of a business trip. The Emburse Go digital companion for iOS and Android devices is a scalable, down-market, less customized version of the Roadmap app that Emburse acquired in 2021. It’s available for a spending-based fee to Emburse’s 16,000 small and medium-sized expense…

Reporter’s Notebook: Universities Turn To Policy Mandates

Reporter’s Notebook: Universities Turn To Policy Mandates

The pandemic was a wake-up call not only for corporations with loose or non-existent travel policies but also for collegiate travel, an area notorious for lagging program compliance. Some universities enacted travel policy mandates or found strong rationale to maintain them, and adjusted program rules to match their vaccine requirements. Like in the corporate world,…

|Covid vaccine|

Corporate Travel Services Adopt Vaccination Status, Trends As Inputs

The unvaccinated are getting and spreading the virus, and organizations are beginning to take a harder line despite the associated controversy and politics. Travel for work “generally” will not be available to unvaccinated federal employees, President Joe Biden said Thursday. On Friday, Walmart announced that home office employees and managers who travel within the United…

international travel snafus|

Concerned About Cross-Border Fiascos, Travel Management Professionals Preach Flexibility, Patience And Preparation

Corporate travel professionals are concerned that the apparatus of international travel won’t be ready for an expected uptick in businesspeople wanting to cross borders in the coming months. Processes for documenting inoculation and negative tests remain works in progress, while international transit rules are tremendously complicated and often change with little notice. Corporate travel buyers…

travel risk management ROI

Joining Bevy Of Return-To-Travel Info Services, New Firm’s Data Scientists See Safe Travel For Most People And Places By July

As various industry entities work on the problem of informing business travelers of whether they can or should go here or there, and what they need to do, a new player from the world of data science appears to have something new.  Using more than 30 data sources, GoPass Global’s APIs reflect pandemic conditions through…

risk management

Aiming To Check More Boxes, Players Remake Risk Management Landscape

Employee safety is paramount for organizations. Because travel is a big part, providers involved in risk, security and mass communications in recent years added travel services to their portfolios. On the flip side, for organizations that focused people risk management mostly on their traveling people, 2020 showed there’s much more to it. To serve evolving…

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