AA, Accelya Enable EDIFACT-NDC Exchanges

AA, Accelya Enable EDIFACT-NDC Exchanges

American Airlines and Accelya, developer of the carrier’s NDC interface, on Monday announced a breakthrough for post-ticketing support in next-generation airline distribution. They said they made unused EDIFACT tickets exchangeable through NDC connections. “It’s available broadly to any travel retailer or aggregator that can support the use of an unused ticket in an exchange,” said…

Ninety-Nine (NDC) Problems And The Tweaks Aren’t Done

Ninety-Nine (NDC) Problems And The Tweaks Aren’t Done

Airline officials and other proponents of the New Distribution Capability have described its servicing challenges as “edge cases,” but travel management companies are finding more than that. Limitations on exchanges and unused ticket tracking are the most crucial on growing lists of issues. It’s no wonder that, by most accounts, corporate adoption of American’s NDC…

Buyers Labor Over How To Inform Travelers About American’s Plans
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Buyers Labor Over How To Inform Travelers About American’s Plans

What should travel managers tell company employees about the distribution changes American Airlines is making?  As one communicator who works in the weeds of airline distribution said, it’s clear as mud. But there’s only so much that travelers need to know. A few travel managers offered some ideas, but for the most part, crafting a…

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Before the pandemic, American Airlines crowed about adding to its sales force and growing market share in corporate travel. Conditions have changed. Both corporate travel and airline capacity growth are depressed. Improving profitability and paying down debt are top priorities. After cutting back last year on customer benefits including perks and discounts, now AA is saying goodbye to its…

TMC layoffs

The 570: Corporate Travel Professionals Sidelined By Covid-19 Endure Marathon-Length Journeys To Restart Careers

The business travel world turned upside down in 2020. Careers came to abrupt pauses, leaving professionals wondering when and how they’d again be employed. The Company Dime offered free one-year subscriptions to travel professionals who lost their positions due to the coronavirus and about 570 of you took us up on the offer. To help…

Scott Gillespie Creates Patent-Pending Trip Justification Tool For New Era Of Business Travel Demand Management

Scott Gillespie Creates Patent-Pending Trip Justification Tool For New Era Of Business Travel Demand Management

Should you Zoom or should you go?  Veteran travel industry advisor Scott Gillespie developed a simple tool to help decide. There are others, and he expects more. There’s pent-up demand for in-person connections, but Covid brought new obstacles to whether and how they’re made. The reduction in office use, widespread adoption of virtual conferencing technology…

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