
Jeff Berk

As Acquis Consulting-Backed Startup Takes On Rocketrip, Pros Remain Divided On Rewards

Tripkicks is a new tech company focused on helping companies spend less on business travel through employee incentives. Its approach is similar to that of Rocketrip, which helped popularize the notion of behavioral change based on shared savings. Tripkicks’ largest investor is Acquis Consulting, which also is a strategic partner helping with implementation. Tripkicks CEO…

travel management human resources|travel management - human resources

Experts Argue Travel Management And Human Resources Need A Reunion

Competition for top talent is intense in some industries and keeping demanding workers is challenging. Many companies have recognized this by revamping approaches to human resources. A growing number allow workers to personalize benefits packages. They’re providing various perks to help employees calibrate work/life balance. What about travel? Aligning better with people strategies is perhaps one of travel management’s biggest…


After Pivot, Jay Walker’s Upside Travel Is Attempting To Play A Very Long Game

Online travel legend Jay Walker is putting his best spin on Upside Travel’s pivot, but it’s hard to envision which way the company will be facing when it stops. From any angle, Upside’s first idea failed. Too many business travelers want neither packages nor gift cards. While those stayed in the mix, Upside beginning in the summer…

Op Ed: Scott Gillespie On Predicting The Value In Travel

Today’s advisor is industry veteran Scott Gillespie, managing director of tClara. Scott’s guidepost tackles what travel program managers should try to predict — and what to skip. Predictive analytics is a shiny new toy that has caught the travel industry’s eye. It sounds useful — check. It sounds cool — check. It scores points in…

Year in polls||

The Year In Polls: Despite Irritations, Business Travelers Are Happy

Travel management’s top priority for a long time was cost control. Now, duty of care and traveler safety are front and center. Traveler satisfaction continues to rank a bit lower (1, 2). Nevertheless, corporate travelers seem to be a pretty satisfied bunch, at least according to 2017 industry research. It sounds counter-intuitive. Business travel is grueling. The list…

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