travel management company

A specialized agency providing comprehensive travel services to businesses, including booking, policy compliance, expense management and reporting.


Sabre, TMCs Advance AA NDC Testing

Sabre, TMCs Advance AA NDC Testing

After some initial tests of basic functionality late last year, Sabre and several travel management companies last week started an “expanded pilot” to support fares coming through American Airlines’ NDC-compliant application programming interface. Corporate travel buyers are keen to see progress as they contemplate potentially unwelcome consequences of American’s plan in nine weeks to pull…

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Dispatch 2

Before the pandemic, American Airlines crowed about adding to its sales force and growing market share in corporate travel. Conditions have changed. Both corporate travel and airline capacity growth are depressed. Improving profitability and paying down debt are top priorities. After cutting back last year on customer benefits including perks and discounts, now AA is saying goodbye to its…

Qantas Amex GBT surcharge

American Express Global Business Travel To Surcharge Qantas Tickets Bought In Australia

One consequence of airlines externalizing the cost of distribution is that it’s pushed to corporate customers. American Express Global Business Travel as of Feb. 20 will invoice clients an extra 3 percent of the ticket price (excluding taxes and airport fees) on all bookings with Qantas purchased in Australia.  According to a copy of a…

traveler tracking
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Traveler Tracking Wasn’t Good Enough, And Might Get Worse

Traveler tracking and TMC reporting systems couldn’t handle the crush of cancellations as SARS-CoV-2 raced around the globe almost three years ago. Inaccurate reports on traveler locations had companies spinning wheels. Is the industry ready for another large-scale event? In some ways, yes. Mostly no. And evolving airline distribution strategies are complicating everything.  Things will…

Swiss Study Offers Thoughts On When To Teams Or Trot (Audio)

Swiss Study Offers Thoughts On When To Teams Or Trot (Audio)

Researchers again found virtual communication offers “limited” capacity to replace face-to-face meetings. But with support for predicted reductions of between 20 percent and 30 percent in business travel volume due to trends accelerated by the pandemic, they argued that understanding how businesspeople choose between travel and virtual “has become urgent.” Researchers at the University of…

Editorial: Content, Clarity, Calm And A Little Respect Top Travel Manager Wish List
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Editorial: Content, Clarity, Calm And A Little Respect Top Travel Manager Wish List

Here’s a compilation of thoughts from members of The Company Dime‘s Editorial Board of six travel buyers. The last three years put everyone to the test. It’s not that we don’t enjoy challenges; we thrive on them. But it’s time to focus on the future and do what we do best. Enough firefighting and bickering. …

Travel Industry Gets Reprieve From New Payment Tokenization Rules In India

Travel Industry Gets Reprieve From New Payment Tokenization Rules In India

After several delays, India’s central bank this fall enacted payment security rules prohibiting the storage by merchants of customers’ credit card details. Instead, digital tokens would stand in. Not entirely ready, the travel industry got an extension, to June 2024, to work out how to use tokens when intermediaries like GDSs, TMCs and OBTs are…

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