
Neil Geurin

AA Cranks Up Bias For NDC, Claims Sabre TMCs Will Be Financially Whole

American Airlines on Monday told travel agencies that more than 40 percent of its existing content, as well as newly developed offers, would be accessible only through “modern” channels come April. It’s another component of AA’s new overarching revenue strategy that revamps some corporate travel traditions. Some buyers praised AA for taking the leap. It…

Direct Travel CTO Sees Future Of Travel Management Tech In Teams, Slack

Direct Travel CTO Sees Future Of Travel Management Tech In Teams, Slack

Are native travel management company mobile apps obsolete? That’s Darryl Hoover’s question. The Direct Travel chief technology officer was playing out the implications of the company’s revised digital strategy. Leveraging collaboration platforms including Microsoft’s Teams and Salesforce’s Slack, he said, allows the travel management company to meet customers where they are. That’s a lot easier…


With Google ITA, Deem Presents Clients A New Choice For Shopping Southwest

[CORRECTION, Oct. 19, 2022: The original version of this article included outdated information about some Southwest Airlines leisure routes not available to Deem users via certain shopping channels. There are no longer any such restrictions.] Southwest Airlines early this year began “limited” participation in the Google ITA QPX airfare search and shopping system. Corporate online…

Thane Jackson

BCD Travel Ditches Travelport

BCD Travel is moving to two global distribution system partners from three, focusing on Amadeus and Sabre while leaving out Travelport. “We have a high regard for Travelport, but we’re confident that the direction we’ve taken is the right one for our business and our customers,” according to a statement attributed to Thane Jackson, BCD…

Sarosh Waghmar

Spotnana Integrates With American Airlines To ‘Personalize’ Offers

Travel tech startup Spotnana several weeks ago activated “advanced,” direct integration with American Airlines to give travelers and agents booking and full post-ticketing capabilities, ARC/BSP settlement and access to new products. By using the airline’s NDC-compliant application programming interface from Accelya, the pair went live with offers that are not currently available in Sabre. “We…

Following Move To Amadeus, Gant Travel Signs Aimendo For Text Automation

Following Move To Amadeus, Gant Travel Signs Aimendo For Text Automation

[UPDATE, Sept. 19, 2024: Gant Travel announced it acquired Aimemndo as part of its “commitment to leading the future of AI-powered travel solutions.”] San Diego — Gant Travel Management in 2020 migrated from Travelport’s Apollo to Amadeus, becoming one of the top North America-based corporate travel management companies for the Madrid-based global distribution system operator….

Yanik Hoyles

IATA: Of Every 200 Indirect Airline Bookings, Less Than One Uses NDC For Corporate Travel

Ten years after the International Air Transport Association introduced its New Distribution Capability standards for web-based protocols to sell airline products, corporate travel bookings using those protocols remain a drop in the bucket.  Including leisure bookings, NDC’s penetration of indirect distribution for IATA member airlines in the quarter ending in March was 10 percent, driven…

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