
TMCs, Buyers Face Extended Sourcing Due To Legal, Security, IT Needs

TMCs, Buyers Face Extended Sourcing Due To Legal, Security, IT Needs

TMC sourcing isn’t for the faint of heart. Nor is it for the impatient, as the sales cycle extended considerably in recent years. Providers are developing new products and services, making some customer relationships more involved. But the elongated time between an RFP and final contracts is primarily due to legal, security and IT complexities…

data privacy

Amex GBT Describes Cybersecurity Practices, Takes On Binding Corporate Rules For Data Transfers

[UPDATE, May 14, 2024: CTM achieved its DPF certification shortly after this publciation. Here we published new information on data protection frameworks including Standard Contractual Clauses.”] American Express Global Business Travel’s executives get quarterly updates on cyber risks monitored by the company, according to a new section in its annual report, filed Wednesday. The company…

For Big Corporate Travel Management Companies Using Artificial Intelligence, Risk Mitigation Is Job No. 1 

For Big Corporate Travel Management Companies Using Artificial Intelligence, Risk Mitigation Is Job No. 1 

Artificial intelligence promises efficiency gains and better, quicker corporate travel service. Use cases include email automation, swift answers to simple questions, and chatbot bookings and changes. For corporate travel management companies, though, achieving tantalizing outcomes requires extreme care. “Move fast and break things” this is not. Machine learning and predictive artificial intelligence are not new…

Brandon Strauss

Op Ed: Brandon Strauss On A Skeptic’s View Of Generative Artificial Intelligence 

Brandon Strauss of CapTrav and KesselRun Corporate Travel Solutions explains why he’s in “watch and learn” mode when it comes to generative artificial intelligence.  Claude Shannon, a computer scientist and founder of information theory, published “A Mathematical Theory of Communication” in 1948, which defined how messages are carried from sender to receiver. This theory became…


‘Something Went Wrong’ With SAP Concur Logins Last Week 

On Jan. 2, when some users tried to log in to SAP Concur for expense or travel, they encountered a “Sorry, something went wrong” error. Multiple services, also including invoicing, imaging and analysis/intelligence, suffered from degradation, according to the company’s status dashboard. SAP Concur was working to address a potentially serious issue, which it described…

Travel Risk Firms Warn Of Growing, Multifaceted Dangers

Travel Risk Firms Warn Of Growing, Multifaceted Dangers

Geopolitical tensions, cybersecurity threats and the impact of climate change topped 2024 watchlists and predictions published during the past two months by several travel risk management providers. Even as armed conflict grows in multiple locations around the globe for the first time in decades, there’s also consensus that travel program managers should beware of domestic…

Airline retailing personalization|

Explainer: Personalization And Airline Retailing

In light of American Airlines’ plan to move upwards of 40 percent of its fares to direct or NDC-enabled channels as of April, it’s worth re-examining one of the primary motivations: better tailoring products and services for flyers. As described by its developer, the International Air Transport Association, the NDC program enables “personalized service based…

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