Enterprise Holdings

Notebook: Government Travel Pros Treated To Latest On Innovation, Sustainability

Notebook: Government Travel Pros Treated To Latest On Innovation, Sustainability

Alexandria, Va. – Amid a federal government solicitation process putting the management of upwards of $4 billion in annual travel spending up for grabs, the National Defense Transportation Association’s GovTravels conference attracted a record 1,100 attendees here last month.  The U.S. General Services Administration has begun collecting information from interested travel and expense tech vendors…

GPOs can help companies mitigate car rental rate hikes

With Rates Rising, Buyers Turn To Group Purchasing Organizations For Car Rental

BCD Travel is forecasting car rental market price increases of between 5 percent and 7 percent this year. According to travel buyers, joining a group purchasing organization is one effective way to mitigate rate hikes.  GPOs leverage the combined spending of members to extract favorable pricing from vendors, ranging from office supplies and furniture providers…

Greg Webb

Travelport Buys Deem

Travelport acquired corporate travel booking and ground tech firm Deem from Enterprise Holdings for an undisclosed sum. Travelport plans to integrate Deem’s travel solution with its Travelport+ platform in the coming months and enable access to NDC offers, products and services. Travelport CEO Greg Webb in 2021 said he did not want to be in…

Is Dynamic Pricing Coming To Corporate Car Rental Deals?
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Is Dynamic Pricing Coming To Corporate Car Rental Deals?

Negotiating a discount off floating market rates is the prevailing model in airline corporate deals and a component of corporate hotel agreements. Is car rental the next sector to take this plunge with its medium-sized and larger accounts? There’s talk, but most observers don’t see that happening in the near term. “Hertz has always maintained…

business and leisure travel

Mixing Business Travel And Leisure Puts Companies On Alert For Higher Spending, Liability

Reporting on industry recovery, some travel suppliers have pointed to an uptick in trips that combine business and leisure. Such blended activity is nothing new, but the pandemic elevated its profile thanks to the changing nature of work, more employee-friendly approaches and the shock to travel itself. For organizations, the related considerations include whether to…

travel accessibility

New Consultancy Targets Improved Travel Accessibility

Diversity, equity and inclusion efforts have been getting a lot of attention recently, but physical and psychological disabilities continue to make travel more difficult for millions, according to the founders of a new consultancy. They argue that the travel industry is overdue in recognizing and better accommodating this large and growing population. Accessible travel advocate…

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