loyalty program

Blockskye, United Invite Co-Branded Cards To Managed Corporate Travel
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Blockskye, United Invite Co-Branded Cards To Managed Corporate Travel

Blockchain-powered travel, payment and expense provider Blockskye announced on Tuesday that it launched Blockskye 360, a “first of its kind” platform connecting consumer loyalty cards with corporate travel management. United Airlines is the first supplier participant. The platform allows client organizations to capture data from purchases made using participating suppliers’ co-branded loyalty cards, regardless of…

A BCD Travel survey found that employers withholding loyalty points from corporate travelers is a rarity.

Why Few Companies Interfere With Travelers’ Loyalty Points

When the Financial Times in July 2023 published a guest column arguing that business travel air miles should go to employers — thus limiting non-essential travel, reducing carbon emissions, saving money and maintaining employee productivity and health — the reactions were diverse. “Air miles are pure corruption,” opined one commenter. Another wrote, “Congrats to this…

Scott Laurence
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In Listening Mode, American Airlines Restarts Corporate Benefits

Based on feedback from corporate clients, travel agencies and a couple of old friends, American Airlines will reactivate the Corporate Experience program on Oct. 10, providing preferred seats at no fee and priority check-in, security screening, boarding and disruption recovery.  According to a Wednesday message to corporate clients, the suite of benefits, which was taken…

lowest logical fare policies
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The Evolution Of Lowest Logical Fare Policies

The concept of “lowest logical fare” has always been open to interpretation. Traditionally, it’s the cheapest, in-policy fare returned when the traveler or travel agent searches in a booking system. But various market dynamics are making it harder to pin down, prompting industry professionals to reconsider it. New challenges in point-of-sale shopping comparisons due to…

AA Cancels Plan To Name NDC-Adopting Travel Management Companies 

AA Cancels Plan To Name NDC-Adopting Travel Management Companies 

One of the more brazen aspects of American Airlines’ plans was publicly naming the travel management companies that had reached certain booking thresholds using New Distribution Capability protocols. That’s off, too. According to sources, AA still intended to post the list as of last week despite CEO Robert Isom saying on May 29 that the…

Ted Lawson

National Travel Doubles Down On Delta

Charleston, W.Va.-based National Travel is offering clients a unique rewards program, also available to other travel agencies, that multiplies travelers’ incentives when they book its hotel and car partners along with Delta flights. Created in conjunction with Delta’s SkyMiles for Business because “some business relationships stand apart from the rest,” the program grants points from…

Mission. Nation Travel president Mike Bedient

American Airlines Extends Incentive Deals To Some NDC-Evangelizing Travel Agencies

American Airlines on Thursday confirmed it offered incentive agreements to “several” travel agencies that it “recently” identified as generating “significant bookings” and “investing in modern technology.” The action removes an inhibitor to these agencies becoming preferred retailers — and, thus, their customers earning miles — in accordance with American’s latest programs. AA was not planning…

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