American Society of Travel Advisors


The Future Of Travel Management Companies: Part One, Staffing

“Green shoots” are nice but transaction counts for most travel management companies as of last week remained between 3 percent and 15 percent of last year’s levels. Emotionally, that is a million times better than cancellations outstripping bookings. TMCs are seeing gains every week. More than a dozen of their executives speaking with The Company…

mobile contact tracing
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Contact Tracing Scales In Asia, Faces Privacy And Political Hurdles In Europe And The United States

Questions about where people have been, whom they’ve seen and how they’re feeling are becoming commonplace. So are mobile apps that track potential coronavirus exposure. Contact tracing has taken on greater prominence in recent months as society copes with Covid-19. As with physical health screenings, there are data privacy concerns and travel management considerations. Health…

Department of Commerce
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Big TMCs Hire Familiar Lobbyist As Public Policy Encroaches, Uncertainty Persists

American Express Global Business Travel, BCD Travel and other large travel management companies banded together and engaged Monument Advocacy, a Washington lobby group. They want their voices heard and concerns aired as the government crafts rescue packages for businesses laid low by the pandemic.  New projections put the travel industry’s recovery timeline at 12 months…

Unused airline tickets

Managing Unused Airline Tickets When Cash Is King

[UPDATE, April 6, 2020: Airlines must refund ticket and optional services purchases for flights they canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. That includes customers who bought nonrefundable tickets.] Strapped for cash and facing volumes of canceled itineraries no one modeled, carriers are offering incentives to those willing to…

GBTA Throws Its Lot In With ASTA, Ground Transport Groups To Seek Relief

GBTA Throws Its Lot In With ASTA, Ground Transport Groups To Seek Relief

The Global Business Travel Association lent its support to the American Society of Travel Advisors as industry groups press Washington for financial aid. Some individual entities also are stepping up. Travel and Transport, for example, reached out to federal representatives from a dozen states to explain the dire state of travel management companies. “A tremendous…

TMC layoffs coronavirus
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Christopherson Business Travel Cuts Half Of Staff As Travel Industry Staggers

Mike and Camille Cameron purchased Utah’s Christopherson Business Travel 30 years ago this month. This week, the company had to dismiss about half of its 270 employees due to the impact of the coronavirus. “As you know, travel bookings are down significantly,” CEO Mike Cameron wrote to clients in a Tuesday letter. “In response, we’ve…

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